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US sports betting: one year on

Insight | Data

The US sports betting market is expected to rapidly expand in the coming years, with an exclusive new report from H2 Gambling Capital estimating that gross win will soar to $8.42bn across 32 states by 2030

H2’s latest estimates suggest the US market will treble in size over the next 18 months and grow tenfold within five years. By 2030e, it will have reached $8.42bn gross win across 32 states.
In terms of handle, the market will increase from $9bn wagered in the year since SCOTUS to top $50bn by 2023e —rising to almost $80bn-worth of legal bets by 2030e.
As a result, state tax revenues will also grow strongly— quadrupling over the decade 2020-2030 from $242m in 2020e to reach a total take of $1.04bn by 2030e.
The legal market to date ($0.4bn) has only eaten into 4% of the illegal one ($11.2bn). H2 believes it will take 10 years for the legal market to outgrow its illegal counterpart.This is an extract from US Sports Betting: One Year On, a report produced exclusively for iGB North America by H2 Gambling Capital. Not to be reproduced without permission.David Henwood is a director of H2 Gambling Capital, by far the most quoted source on the sector in published company reports, transaction documentation and sell-side analysts’ notes, as well as in the trade/business media – including more recently the BBC, Reuters, Bloomberg, The Economist, The FT, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

H2 Gambling Capital is the gambling industry’s leading consulting, market intelligence and data team. The company has a track record of 15 years focused on the global gambling industry, where its projections have been influential in shaping legislators’ and investors’ views of the gambling sector across the world.